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How can I help?

« We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.»

Mother Theresa

You can make a donation to one of our associations so as to help cover: 

  • Roger’s defence (legal costs which are very high in the USA, various investigations

  • Helping to improve his living conditions and sometimes also those of his fellow inmates, including the prison food which is extremely poor in vitamins, numerous minerals).

  • Occasional support for fellow inmates who are totally destitute and cannot even offer themselves the very basics of long term survival (for some life imprisonment) like a coffee pot or small radio.


You may send money to Roger to any of the accounts below:


Bank draft to the  LCL:
Code Banque: 30002       code guichet: 00524     Num de compte: 0000209983B     Clé RIB: 10     
Domiciliation: SENLIS
IBAN: FR34 3000 2005 2400 0020 9983 B10           BIC: CRLYFRPP
Titulaire du compte: LES AMIS DE ROGER MCGOWEN
           60300 AUMONT EN HALATTE



Par Paypal:
Faire un don en EUR - Euros 




CHECKS (only in euros):  
Address : 6 chemin de la Gruerie. 60300 AUMONT EN HALATTE - FRANCE


Many thanks for your solidarity in favour of Roger.

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To contact us:

Thank you for your message.

Roger McGowen support groups

None of the information on this website jeopardizes the rights of Roger W. McGowen as defined in the 5th and 6th  Amendments of the US Constitution. Roger McGowen has no access whatsoever to this website and cannot exert the slightest control over its contents. The website and all the information in contains are the work of Roger’s support groups, who are solely responsible for its contents, opinions and information presented therein. All the information of the website is in the public domain.

Copyright © 2018 by Roger McGowen support groups

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