Messages of life
The only victory in this life is to know we have always done our best with what we had and we have never stopped striving in that direction.
Roger Mc Gowen
Roger Mc Gowen, condemned to death number 889
Documentary of Nicolas Pallay, 2013 - Full version
We regularly post letters from Roger in this section....
Roger's letter Nov 2018
Dear Friends,
It is a great honor for me to be able to share this moment with you. I can never thank you enough for the love and support that you have provided to me and to the many guys who are here with me who also benefit from your kindness.
People sometimes in their greetings to me, ask me, “How are you today Roger?” And I tell them I am blessed that God saw fit to allow me to make right today what I failed to get right yesterday - by opening my eyes. And now, the rest is up to me. (…)
I can actually say that I believe that I am where I am supposed to be for the moment. I was talking to my attorney, Tony, yesterday and he said to me, “I wish I could give back some of what has been taken from you all of these years.” And he was so sincere that he touched me deeply. (...)
I told him yes, I have lost so much over the years: I have lost the chance at a family, a home, and, I lost my freedom. But what I’m doing now feels so important(...)
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Thank you for writing your text in English, with a maximum of 300 words (15 lines) avoiding all forms of judgments or criticism of the American prison system
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